Thursday, March 21, 2013

Dresden Heroic Roleplaying - Part 2

In part one of my Dresden Heroic Roleplaying hack, I covered the different pieces that make up a character: MO, Distinctions, Abilities, and Specialties. Today, we're going to dive a little deeper into the mechanics of the game, namely how to build a dice pool and the ways your character takes damage.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Dresden Heroic Roleplaying - Part 1

I've recently started gearing up for a Dresden Files RPG game that I want to run in the next couple of months, and while I will probably end up using the rules designed and published by Evil Hat Productions, I still had some fun working up a quick hack for Marvel Heroic Roleplaying using the setting. I'll be doling it out here in bits and pieces, and I invite any constructive feedback you have to offer. This is my first real, thorough work on a Cortex Plus hack, so I'm bound to make some very obvious mistakes. Feel free to let me know if you catch one. :)

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Fate Core

Early last month, Evil Hat Productions, opened up a Kickstarter project for their newest revision of the Fate roleplaying system. I'd originally been intrigued by the last version of the rule set sometime last year, but while it was an interesting take on story-oriented roleplaying, it just wasn't clicking for me. I couldn't quite suss out how I would use something like that to play the games that I was looking to at the time. So when Fate Core popped up on my radar, I immediately jumped at the chance to help kickstart the endeavor.