Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Kickstarting tremulus

I've blogged before about my enjoyment of tabletop role-playing games. Hopefully, it's not a shock to many of you that I happen to be that nerdy. :) In my almost-never-ending quest to find the One and True Role-Playing System for Every Genre, I've seen a lot of rules systems. And while I'm currently having a lot of fun learning the detailed nuances of the Savage Worlds core rules and Super Powers Companion, I keep my eyes open for supplemental material that I can use in my games. My search led me to Reality Blurs, Sean Preston's purveyor of fine RPG settings. With supernatural spy action in Agents of Oblivion, mind-bending Mythos mysteries in Realms of Cthulhu, and steampunk and shadow adventures in RunePunk, they've become my favorite third-party publisher for Savage Worlds material.

So it was with interest that I noticed Sean begin blogging on their site about a new project he was working on, a non-Savage product that he was playtesting and refining and hoped to have up on Kickstarter soon. That project was tremulus, a storytelling game of Lovecraftian horror.

Everything I've read about this game makes it seem like a horror gamer's best nightmare. There is almost no prep for the GM ("Keeper," in this game), and each of the characters comes with a pre-defined "move list" that makes it easy to get newcomers into the game. From what little I've been privileged to see (much of the project is still a Thing Man Was Not Meant to Know), it seems to marry the simplicity of a board game with the intensity and imagination of a tabletop role-playing game. It's something I might even be able to convince my wife to try playing sometime, and that's a big deal right there. :)

Just so you know, I have not been paid for this endorsement; Sean Preston is not holding a sharpened letter opener to the back of my head as I write this. I simply have a great respect for Sean and his comrades at Reality Blurs, and I want to help get the word out about what looks to be a very fun horror role-playing experience. I've already made my Kickstarter pledge, and hundreds of others have, as well. The project was funded within the first day, and the pledges just keep rolling in. We've already blown past the first four stretch goals, and there's still over a month before tremulus is funded.

So, if you love Lovecraft, horror, and role-playing games and have $10 or $20 (or more) to spare, head on over to the Kickstarter page and make a pledge. As Sean has been fond of saying in his backer updates, there's safety in numbers. :)

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